• 教师
  • Antje Rauwerda
  • Antje Rauwerda


    Antje Rauwerda is a 教授 of British and Postcolonial 文学s. 她长大了 in Canada, Singapore, Texas, and the UK; during her college years she alternated between 温哥华(B.A. in international relations from University of British Columbia, B.A. in English from University of Victoria) and Ghana where her parents were living at 的时间. 她得了个M.A. 和Ph值.D. in English from Queen’s University in Kingston, 安大略,并在圣. Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia before coming 在云顶集团. Antje teaches contemporary international novels, postcolonial theory, freshman writing, travel writing, British and early British literature, and other 国际工程. Her recent academic 工作 has  been on third culture literature (the literature produced by authors who grew up as expats rather than in their home 国家). She has a book and four articles published on the topic. Additionally, Antje published a novel about Baltimore: 缓慢的时间.

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    Research, Scholarship, Creative Work in Progress

    Currently 工作ing on: The cognitive science of creative reading and revisions to a 第二部小说.


    The Writer and the Overseas Childhood: The Third Culture 文学 of Kingsolver, 麦克尤恩和其他人. (专著)2012年7月,麦克法兰 & Co.

    缓慢的时间. spy duyvil(2024年.

    Antje Rauwerda has created a Baltimore neighborhood inhabited by an unlikely net工作 of relations so far reaching in time and place that, by the end, readers, too, will 他们开始视彼此为亲戚. How could we not, when the land is speaking tenderly and urgently about how we all might extend our consciousness? 一种技术上的打破形式 工作.


    2023 “Displaced Selves and the Dogs at the Hearth: Dislocation and Belonging in Michael 翁达杰的诗.” (2022) in 迈克尔。翁达杰 (ed. 罗伯特·硬粘土).  麦吉尔了.

    2021 “‘Third Culture Kids’: Detachment, Adolescence and Yann Martel’s 自我.” 跨国文学. 13 (October, 2021) With “Third Culture Kids and Privilege” (Same issue, in “Conversations” 部分)

    2020“Nadiya Hussain的 给我烤个故事 Children’s Cookbooks and British Islam.” In Roxanne Harde and Janet Wesslius eds.. 文学食谱.  纽约:Routledge出版社,2020:27-40.

    2016 “Third Culture Time and 的地方: 迈克尔。翁达杰’s 猫的桌子.” 马赛克3(9月. 2016): 39-53.

    “Katniss, Military Bratness: Military Culture in Suzanne Collins’ 饥饿游戏儿童文学 44 (2016): 172-191.

    2009 “Not Your Typical ‘Diaspora” or ‘Third World Cosmopolitan’: Third Culture 文学.” 25. 3(2010年9月):16-23.

    2008 “Exile Encampments: Whiteness in Alexandra Fuller’s 给猫涂鸦:旅行 和一个非洲士兵.” The Journal of Commonwealth 文学. 44.2 (2009): 51-64.   

    2007 “White Man Burnt Black: 迈克尔。翁达杰’s 英国病人.” In-Between: Essays and Studies in Literary Criticism (2005) 14.1: 13-24.

    “漂白 Magazine (1951-1959): Advertising Race and Gender.” 连续体 (2007年9月.3:  393-404.

    2006 “Multinationality and Layers of Mouse in Peter Carey’s 特里斯坦·史密斯的不寻常生活.” 波德 (2006): 117-127.

    2005 “‘Angelicdevilish’ Combinations: Milton’s Satan and Rushdie’s 撒旦的诗篇.” 后殖民写作杂志 41.1(2005年5月):94-107.

    “White Whipping Boy: Simon in Keri Hulme's 有骨头的人.” The Journal of Commonwealth 文学 2(2005年6月):23-42.

    2003 “东、西:拉什迪《家书.” 南亚评论 2 (2003): 133-148.

    2001 “Naming, Agency and ‘a tissue of falsehoods’ in 玛丽·普林斯的历史.” 维多利亚时代的文学与文化 (2001): 397-411.

    1998年“令人不安的已经 不平静的床上: Contextualizing Dorothy Livesay’s ‘Zambia’.” 加拿大的诗歌 43(1998秋冬):103-125.

    会议论文 & 小组参与

    2021 “ “TCK”和文学界.”  FIGT 在线研讨会.  2021年6月4日. 

    “Do We Need Third Culture Nationalism?” 跨国文学 and Writing Conference: 跟随太阳2021年1月28日至30日. (虚拟)

    2020年《How A》. Igoni巴雷特的 Blackass 对弗兰兹·法农的回应 黑皮肤,白面具.英联邦 and Postcolonial Studies 会议(bcp).  佐治亚州萨凡纳, 2020年2月21-22日

    2019“新加坡、伦敦、纽约: 疯狂的丰富 English and the How the Empire Talks" British Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies 会议(bcp). 乔治亚州萨凡纳. 2019年2月15日至17日.

    2017 “Cloud Theory: Third Culture Dislocation as an Unrooted 身份.“后殖民 研究协会,英国伦敦. 2017年9月18日至20日.

    “午夜的孩子Vs .. 英国病人:时间Vs. 的地方.英联邦 and Postcolonial Studies 会议(bcp). 乔治亚州萨凡纳. 2017年2月17-18日.

    2016 “Multiple Points of View as a Product of Multiple Identities: DBC Pierre’s Ludmila 's Broken English 作为第三文化的文学.英联邦 and Postcolonial Studies Conference (bcp).  乔治亚州萨凡纳.  2016年2月26-27日

    2015 “Many Selves at Once in Third Culture 文学.“全球转型中的家庭 (FIGT), Tyson’s Corner VA, March 6-8, 2015.

    2013 “Only at 首页 in Fiction: Reading 迈克尔。翁达杰’s Novels as Third Culture 文学.“同居. Diasporic Constructions of 首页 and Belonging. 门斯特干酪大学 2013年9月.

    “迈克尔·翁达杰的 猫的桌子, Visual Images and Third Culture Kids.” Canadian Association of Commonwealth Language and 文学 Studies (CACLALS). 维多利亚大学,2013年6月.

    “Time, 的地方 and Third Culture Memory: Novels that Address Jumbled TCK 经验.” 全球转型中的家庭 (FIGT). 华盛顿特区,2013年3月.

    2010 “Naughty Gods, Naked Devils: John Milton’s 《云顶集团》 和萨尔曼·拉什迪的 撒旦的诗篇.” Southwest /Texas Popular and American Culture Association Regional Meeting. 阿尔伯克基,新墨西哥州,2010年2月.

    2008 “Neither Postcolonial or Cosmopolitan: 《云顶集团》《火焰花园 and ‘Third Culture Kid’ Crises of National Faith.” Canadian Association of Commonwealth Language and 文学 Studies (CACLALS). University of British Columbia, June 2008

    2007 “It feels like I dreamt it: Fiction, Global Nomads and Memories of 首页.” 全球转型中的家庭 (FIGT). 休斯顿,3月 .

    2006 “The Proliferation of 首页: Alexandra Fuller’s 涂鸦猫.” Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English (ACCUTE). 纽约,可能.

    “首页’s Out from Under Me: Chris Abani’s ” Canadian Association of Commonwealth 文学 and Language Studies (CACLALS).  纽约,可能.

    “首页’s Out from Under Me: Displacement as an 原位美国文化研究协会 (ASCA). 乔治·梅森四月.